Guide for Authors
Page last updated: November 2011 

To the editorship one submits two copies of the manuscript (not less than 3 pages size in Ukrainian, Russian or English languages*) with the assignment from institution and with the opinion of a commission of experts. The manuscripts submitted to the editorship must meet the requirements mentioned below. The text is printed on À4 white paper with one interval and in high print quality suitable for photocopying (laser printer is recommended). The manuscript should be written in Microsoft Word text editor, print type Times New Roman (Cyr), type size 10 pt., text must be fully justified. Page’s left and right margins are equal to 2 sm, top margin – 3 sm and bottom margin – 2 sm. Pages must be numbered with pencil sequentially on page’s reverse side. Mathematical and chemical symbols, equations and formulas are done via MathType application in Microsoft Word. Figures completely prepared for reproduction are also made by means of graphics editors and are pasted into the text within the given page margins. All inscriptions in pictures and axes are done in type size not less than 8 pt. All cutlines are done in type size not less than 9 pt. Formulas, tables and figures are numbered sequentially with Arabic numerals, e.g. (1); Table 1; Fig. 1.
The manuscripts which have been made out not according to resulted rules, are not considered.
In MS Office Word it is possible to apply a pattern to simplification of editing with ready styles:

Sequence of text layout

Two lines are skipped from the top of the 1-st page and on the 3-rd line in left top angle there are given PACS code (italic type, 9 pt.) and index number. Then after skipping one line the name of the article is given (roman type, bold, 12 pt, all letters capital, text centered). Full names of institutions and author’s names are given in the next line (italic type, 9 pt, text centered). E-mail addresses are given if authors want to give them. If there’s more than one institution then to indicate the correspondence of author and his institution footnotes must be used (numbers or asterisks). The article delivery date is given in the next line: date – in numbers, month – in words, year – in numbers (roman type, bold, 9 pt, text centered). After skipping one line the article abstract is given (roman type, 9 pt,) about 5-15 lines without indentions with short statement of methodical approaches used in the presented work and its main results. The word “abstract” isn’t printed. “KEY WORDS:” (roman type, bold, 9 pt, without indention) are given in the next line after the heading. It’s about 5-8 key words (roman type, 9 pt, without indentions, text fully justified). Then after one line gap the article’s text is given (roman type, 10 pt.). A new paragraph is started with indention equal to 0.75 sm. The following article’s partition is recommended: introduction (the name of this part of the text isn’t printed), MATERIALS AND METHODS (is a must for experimental studies), RESULTS AND DISCUSSION and CONCLUSION. For theoretical studies more free partition is allowed, e.g. instead of MATERIALS AND METHODS section the following are recommended PROBLEM DEFINITION, MODEL etc. Sections aren’t numbered, all section title letters are capital and bold, text centered. Section can be subdivided into subsections if needed. Subsections titles are also given in capital letters, bold, text centered. The line is skipped after each section or subsection. At the end of article’s text and after one line gap the name of article funding intuition and grant number is given if necessary. Literature references are numbered in order of their citation in the text, reference number is given in square brackets. References (roman type, 9 pt.) are given exactly after the article’s text and are given as a section REFERENCES (roman type, bold, 9 pt.). References on non-published articles aren’t allowed. After the references the abstract in English is given if the article is in Russian (Ukrainian) or in Russian if the article is in English. After one line gap the article title is given (roman type, bold, capital letters, 10 pt., text centered). Author’s names and initials are given in the next line given (roman type, bold, 10 pt., text centered). Next line is the name of institution and its address (italic type, 9 pt., text centered). After one line gap the abstract text is given (roman type, 9 pt, without indentions, text fully justified). The following line is “KEY WORDS:” (roman type, bold, 9 pt, without indention) and the key words are given (roman type, 9 pt, text centered). One copy of the manuscript must be signed by all authors on the page reverse side. Manuscripts that don’t meet these requirements won’t be submitted. To give the information in Internet and in Review Journals about publications in KNU Visnyk the authors must provide the editorship with the computer variant of article’s abstract with title of the article, authors list and key words in three languages: Russian, English and Ukrainian* as Windows text or Microsoft Word document and the full computer variant of the article in the layout agreed with editorship.

* for foreign authors English and Russian variants will be enough